Children's Ministries
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 NKJV

Nursery Ministry
Ages Birth to 4
Our nursery is geared to provide a warm and loving environment for the care of your children. We understand that in order for you to focus on growing in a relationship with Jesus, it is important for you to know that your kids are being taken care of- so we are dedicated to providing the best care!
Nursery is available during all services!
Children's Ministry
Ages 5 and up
Growing in their knowledge and love of the Lord is our focus!
Our Children's Ministry is committed to giving your child a fun and exciting place to engage in worship and experience lessons in Biblical teaching. We understand the importance of your child having a strong Biblical foundation for their relationship with Jesus. We look forward to your child being a part of this amazing ministry!